
Entrance to Miravete de la Sierra by crossing one of the tributaries of the river Guadalope.

    I was attracted to this village of just 12 inhabitants (in 2007 there were 42 inhabitants) because it was known as 'El pueblo donde nunca pasa nada.' or the 'Village where nothing ever happens.'

The 12 inhabitants of Miravete de la Sierra

A title given to it by a publicity agent to animate tourism some years ago. A very apt title as there are no traffic lights, no modern building and very few people in sight.
   Miravete has only one bar next to a simple sports complex and, being a foreigner, I was looked on with a certain amount of suspicion. What I did learn, however, was that few people had clocks in their houses to the extent where one elderly lady stated that it was not a necessity to know the time as in the mornings when here neighbour goes to buy bread it is 8 o'clock. As most of the dozen inhabitants were elderly there was a story, whether true or not I don't know, that at one time there had been a movement in making small dolls in the images of the inhabitants and selling them as souvenirs. A charming place to be.
   A film, can be found on Youtube of 'El pueblo donde nunca pasa nada.' with English subtitles.

Images of Miranvete de la Sierra

A view of the immense rock formation that dominates Miravete.

The cloisters of the church 'Nuestra Señora de las Nieves.' or 'Our lady of the Snows'

Entrance to the church, 'Nuestra Señora de las Nieves'

Oficial Page (Spanish)
