View of Alcala de la Selva

By Unidentified painter - Museo del Ejército, Toledo, España, Public Domain,
General Leopoldo O'Donnel Jorris
Museo del Ejército, Toledo, España
The most attractive way to approach this village is to take the winding, wooded terrain, highway from Mora de Rubielos. It is 19 kilometres distance.
The village which was a thriving town a the beginning of the last century with a population of around 1.500 inhabitants. Now it has only 370 persons. So now is the time to visit.
Dominated by the usual castle of Moorish origins the dominating castle changed hands several times and was finally put to ruins by the Spanish general O'Donnel,
of course as the name would suggest, was of Irish decent. The rest of the village has little to offer for the passing tourist but is an animated  centre in the winter season due to the Ski slopes in Valdelinares some 15 kilometrs further on.
